Naming Cheat Sheet
For quick reviews during development.
The naming conventions pages below are lengthy, as they not only introduce the naming systems but also explain the thought process behind them. Thus, we want to condense everything here so you can review afterwards. If you happen to make a beautifully visualized and decorated 1-page cheat sheet of this, we are more than happy to attach it here.
Page naming
Regular/customer facing pages: kebab-case
System/non-public pages: snake_case
Element naming
Structural groups: Use Header, Body, Footer, Section for the corresponding groups.
Regular groups: Use
{Group type} {Group name}
like usual. For example:Group Testimonials
,FloatingGroup Sidebar
,Popup Deletion Confirmation
.Sub groups: Use
[{Parent's name}] {Group type} {Group name}
. For instance:Parent group:
FloatingGroup Nav
Sub groups:
[Nav] Group Menu
RepeatingGroups: Use
RepeatingGroup {Data type}
orRG {Data type}
. For instance:RG Comment
Reusable elements
Reusable elements should be named like pages, with type: [{Reusable type}] {ReusableElementName}
. For example: [Drawer] UserDetails
Common reusable types include:
Container: A big component that contains a lot of elements and logics inside, similar to an organism in atomic design, mainly used for breaking the apps into smaller parts.
Drawer: Either a popup or floating group that displays data as a drawer.
Dialog: A popup with CTAs.
Subpage: For groups used in single-page behavior.
Workflow: Invisible components that encapsulate workflows only.
Component: Small components, like a simple like button with logics that manage the number of likes.
Visual elements
Non-dynamic elements: You should keep the element type first, and then its name, like usual:
{Element type} {Name}
. For instance:Button Submit Feedback
.Dynamic elements: Use
{Element type} {Data field}
or{Element type} {Operations}
. For instance:Text username
orText firstName + lastName
Input elements
Input elements should reflect the data they are changing: {Element type} {Data field}
or {Element type} {Data type/Data field}
. For instance: Input username
or Input User/username
Custom states
To differentiate custom states from data fields and data types, use snake_case for custom states.
Notation of state, data & clickable
for elements with custom states.<D>
for elements with custom data sources (parent elements only, no need to mark child elements that inherit the data).<C>
for non-input elements that are clickable (e.g. texts, groups).
Example: <S> Group Users
Notation of order
Groups, data fields, option set fields, etc when related to ordering (e.g. steps in an onboarding process, indicated by an option set) should come with a number indicator (no_
) before the name.
Example: 1_onboardingStep
; 2_onboardingStep
Style naming
It is recommended to build a well-defined design system that you can reuse as a base before starting any project and modify the styles in that project with your custom variants.
For non-text elements: Type - Background - [Optional] Size variant
For text elements: Type - Size - [Optional] Color variant - [Optional] Weight variant
Workflow naming & organization
Workflow naming:
Front-end workflows: Keep as default for simple/general workflows. If workflows are more complicated:
Navigating/Screen transition workflows:
Page 1 -> Page 2
.Others: Purpose of the workflow, in snake_case. For instance: register_user .
Custom workflows, triggers and API workflows: snake_case.
Color coding is preferable than foldering due to the ease of view. Workflows interacting with the same object (e.g. CRUD operations of User) should be in one color. Workflows with the same purpose (e.g. triggers used for analytics) should be in one folder. Workflow names with [Tag] is also a good approach, as Bubble sorts the workflows by name.
Database naming
For data types: PascalCase
For data fields: camelCase
For option set fields:
Use regular texts when the field needs to be displayed to end-users.
Use rules like data fields for regular fields.
Use kebab-case if the
field is used for URL param.
Last updated
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